
The Body in St Maximus the Confessor: Holy Flesh, Wholly Deified is unavailable, but you can change that!

Contemporary scholarship recognizes in Maximus the Confessor a theologian of towering intellectual importance. In this book Adam G. Cooper asks a question which from the origins of Christian thought has constituted an interpretative crux for catholic Christianity: what is the place of the material order and, specifically, of the human body, in God’s creative, redemptive, and perfective economies?...

of the economic orders: their ‘somehow expansive signification, which stretches along with the understanding of the reader’.172 As one ascends the progressive steps of the spiritual life one moves from dependence upon material symbols to a more direct apprehension of the subject they disclose. Indeed, ‘the saints’ represent the highest way of apprehending divine knowledge when it is said of them that ‘they do not acquire the blessed knowledge of God only by
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